Financial information for Haycock PTA volunteers
General information:
- Processing a payment requires several steps including about a week to be mailed. Please expect payments to arrive at least two weeks after a properly completed request is received (you must contact the treasurer by email in advance if an activity requires a faster payment). - There are specific forms for each of these requests. Completing these forms saves time, reduces errors, and completes our financial records. No payments will be made without a properly completed form. If you’re not sure which form to use, please ask! - Each of these forms is a fillable PDF and can be submitted via email to ([email protected]) as well as via the Treasurer’s folder in the PTA box in the school’s main office. - Please e-mail the treasurer when you place any forms in the PTA box to ensure a prompt response (failure to do this will delay payment) - Receipts can be submitted as either hard copies or scans/photographs via e-mail. If turning in a hard copy lease keep a copy for yourself to prevent the possibility of loss. No payments will be made without proper documentation. - Haycock Elementary School PTA has a VA sales tax exemption certificate valid through 8/10/2028 (online verification of existence). It can only be used if a purchase is made directly with PTA funds (no reimbursements). Please contact the Treasurer in advance to arrange purchases that would benefit from tax exemption. Cash box requests/submission: - Please submit request (see form) at least one full week prior to event. - The treasurer will get the requested cash from the bank and give it to the requestor, who takes responsibility for it. - After the event, at least two persons must count the money, recording the number of bills/coins in each denomination on the deposit form. - Return cash box, funds, and deposit form to the treasurer who will deposit it with the bank. Checks to be deposited: - Record the number of each check amount on the deposit form. The deposit form must make the purpose of the checks clear - Each check will be stamped by the treasurer in the endorsement area with the Haycock PTA deposit stamp. - Checks and forms will be processed by the treasurer for deposit with the bank Check requests: - Advance payments: Payments may be made in advance with appropriate receipts or invoices. Advance payments generally must be paid directly to vendors. Use this form. - Reimbursement requests: Click on the link to the right download the appropriate form. Our new policy mandates these expenses will only be reimbursed within 60 days of incurring them. Any questions? Please contact the PTA Treasurer for assistance at [email protected]. |
Use for cash and/or check deposits:
Reimbursement Form:
Click on this link to download the form ![]()